How to use HardHat with Presto

To use HardHat with Presto and deploy a smart contract, follow these steps:

  1. Setup HardHat:

    • Install HardHat globally by running npm install -g hardhat.

    • Create a new directory for your project and navigate into it.

    • Inside the project directory, run npx hardhat init to initialize a new HardHat project.

  2. Download Custom Config File:

    • Visit the Presto website and download the custom config file for your specific network.

    • Save the config file in your project directory.

  3. Add private key to .env

  4. Add .env to .gitignore

  5. Configure HardHat:

    • To provide HardHat with a command-line flag for a custom config and the network name, you can use the --config flag followed by the filename of the custom config file, and the --network flag followed by the network name.

    • For example, if you have a custom config file named hardhat.config.ts and the network name is yourL2Name, you can run the following command:

    npx hardhat --config hardhat.config.ts --network yourL2Name
    • This command will run HardHat with the specified custom config file and connect to your L2 network.

  6. Write Your Smart Contract:

    • Create a new Solidity file (e.g., MyContract.sol) in the contracts directory of your project.

    • Write your smart contract code in the Solidity file.

  7. Compile Your Smart Contract:

    • In your project directory, run npx hardhat compile to compile your smart contract.

  8. Deploy Your Smart Contract:

    • Write a deployment script in the scripts directory to deploy your smart contract.

    • Inside the deployment script, use the HardHat API to deploy your contract to the Presto network.

    • Run the deployment script by executing npx hardhat run scripts/deploy.js in your project directory.

Make sure to reference the HardHat and Presto documentation for more detailed information and additional configuration options.

Last updated